Following the release of Jackpot, there is growing speculation about the potential for a sequel, Jackpot 2. Directed by Paul Feig and featuring a cast that includes John Cena, Awkwafina, and Simu Liu, the action comedy has received mixed reviews from critics, with audience reactions still to be fully assessed. Despite this, discussions about a sequel are already underway, and Feig has even hinted at the possibility of Jason Statham making an appearance.
Here’s what we know about the prospects of Jackpot 2 and what Paul Feig has shared:
Paul Feig’s Tease on Jackpot 2
Paul Feig, who has directed notable films such as Bridesmaids and Ghostbusters, recently suggested in an interview that Jackpot 2 could potentially feature action star Jason Statham. However, it’s important to note that the sequel has not been officially confirmed or greenlit yet. Feig’s comments have fueled excitement and speculation about the future of the franchise.
At the red-carpet event for Jackpot, Paul Feig was asked by The Direct how he would handle a situation if the people of Los Angeles came after him after winning the lottery, as depicted in the film. Feig humorously replied that he would call John Cena, Simu Liu, or even Jason Statham for help. When it was pointed out that Statham wasn’t part of the Jackpot cast, Feig responded with a grin, “There’s always a sequel.”
The question was inspired by the film’s premise, which is set in 2030 during a new Great Depression. In this scenario, the California Grand Lottery is established, and the winner is hunted by holders of losing tickets who have until sundown to claim the prize by eliminating the winner—without using firearms.
Jackpot follows Katie Kim (Awkwafina), a struggling actress who unexpectedly wins a massive lottery. As she becomes the target of nearly everyone in the city, an amateur lottery protection agent named Noel (John Cena) steps in to protect her.
As of August 2024, it remains unclear whether Jackpot will get a sequel. However, the film’s intriguing premise certainly offers ample potential for further development, and Paul Feig’s hint about Jason Statham’s possible involvement in a sequel has fueled speculation and excitement.